Thursday 22 August 2013

Tips To Better Skin

I don't know if I am qualified to give advice but I here are some tips that helped me, and hopefully it'll help someone else too! My skin was problematic a few years ago but it has improved a lot and at least now I know how to get it back in control. I got these tips over the years, reading and listening to advice from people who know skincare.

Tip #1: Find the right products
What an obvious tip right? But there are some less obvious reasons why you to find products that will work for you. If your current routine no longer works and the products do nothing for you, it is time to find new products. Using products that work for you will make you motivated to stick strictly to your skin care routine! Are there days where you skip the moisturiser or toner because you were lazy? Or have you had the thought that missing a day or two will not make a difference anyway? These things will make you slack on your skin care routine. After I switched to my current products (mainly Innisfree), I saw the improvement of my skin and I actually like to apply the products every morning & night. I've never missed a day. I believed that the products worked for me and I religiously apply them every day/night. When you use products that work, you'll like the products and you're more motivated to do your skin care routine daily.

Tip #2: Follow the instructions on the packaging
They are there for a reason. e.g. If the sheet mask should be removed in 15-20 minutes, you should stick to that. Maybe just a few more minutes, but definitely not for TOO LONG. Leaving it for too long will have counter effects and may irritate your skin. That's just one example. Try to follow the directions/instructions on the packaging and apply them as they should be. I guess it is okay to use less than directed, but probably not more. Similarly, do not use a product more often than you should. Clay masks work wonders, but if you use it daily, you'll be stripping your skin of its natural oils and again: counter-effective.

Tip #3: Your hands are dirty
Keeping your face clean. Always try to think that your hands are dirty and don't touch your face more than you need to. Especially when you have a pimple. It's just like how you won't sit on a dirty chair. If you don't want to dirty your clothes, why will you want to dirty your face? Of course, not touching your face doesn't gurantee your good skin, but its a start.

Tip #4: Be gentle with your skin
Pat your skin with a towel or one of those facial pads. Do not wipe it with force. If you apply anything with a cotton pad (makeup remover.. toner..), apply gently too! Also, do not over-exfoliate your skin. Only use any exfoliating products 2/3 times a week. Exfoliating products include facial scrubs, silicone cleansing pads, and facial cleansing brushes (like clarisonic). They are great to get rid of dead skin cells and cleanse your skin, but using too much will also be counter-effective. Be gentle!

Tip #5: Simplify your skincare routine
Like I've mentioned in tip #1, it is important to have a skin care routine you stick to. But do not spam your face with all kinds of products! If you've not found products that work for you, start from the most basic routine -- facial wash, toner, moisturiser. Once you've found the products that work for you, you can slowly add products like eye cream, serum, etc.

Tip #6: Read & Research
A lot of people actually have a lot of misconceptions on how some products work, or they simply do not know. For example, some people think that products that work for someone with dry skin, will not work for someone with the "opposite" oily skin type. That's not true at all. I've seen people review & recommend products that do not work for them, TO people with the "opposite" skin type. It doesn't always work like that. Try to read reviews by people with similar skin type as yours, instead of reviews by people with the "opposite" skin type. Another misconception: people with oily skin may think that they do not need to moisturize, when the fact is that everyone should! That brings me to my next tip...

Tip #7: Moisturise
Regardless of what climate you live in, and what skin type you have, you should always use a moisturiser. I can't tell you how many times I've read someone state that their secret to flawless, young-looking skin is moisturising. AND sheet masks. Actually this should be Tip #1 because I think this is very important!! (not that the tips are in order of importance though...)

Tip #8: Do not reapply base makeup (foundation/bb cream)
Well, not really reapply, but do not apply on MORE throughout the day on top of what you already have on. Imagine patting on foundation on top the the dirt/grime/oil that was on top of your first layer of base makeup. ew right? It sounds like an exaggeration, but you really should try to avoid applying on more base makeup as the day goes on. If your base makeup slides off easily, use a primer, powder or change your foundation/base makeup! That's my only makeup-related tip here. I think I focus more on skincare & getting good skin than having good makeup to cover flaws?


Of course, there are lucky people who do not need to take special care to have good skin, but there are those of us who require more effort to maintain healthy, clear skin. Small changes can make a difference.

Well, these are just a few tips you can take note of and keep in mind. You don't have to believe or follow all of them, but it is good to change some bad habits you may have. It's a start! Along with a healthy diet and skin care routine, you should be on your way to better skin!

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